I completed a score study on Maurice Durufle’s Ubi Caritas as the final representation of my professional growth plan work throughout the term.

I referred to the following resource (Blueprint for Band):

Analytical Guide

I also completed the following score study for the piece:

EDCI 761 Musical & Professional Growth Plan Final Dec 02

EDCI 761 Choral Score Study Template Dec 02

Ubi Caritas Durufle Score Study


Musicianship Goal: Final Reflection & Video


In the goals outlined at the beginning of term, I aimed to dedicate 30 minutes of practice time per practice session on sight-reading. I did mostly stick to this goal throughout the semester. I set a routine where I would typically practice for about 1 hour before teaching private lessons as a warm-up. I would dedicate about half of this warm-up time to working on sight reading.

My main qualm with how I approached this musicianship goal is the following. I aimed to improve my sight-reading skills, but I limited my material to music from one source (Piazzolla Etude book). I can’t help but wonder – did I improve at sight-reading as a whole, or only at reading this style of music, and this particular artist’s compositions? I must admit I feel as though I improved at reading Piazzolla tango etudes more so than sight-reading as a whole skill. This is my biggest regret of my musicianship goal setting. I had hoped that because the material was somewhat similar, I would be able to track my progress better than if I had chosen a variety of materials of varying difficulty.

It was interesting to compare this video with the first one taken several months ago. I think I notice a slight-improvement, although as I mentioned before, this may be because I simply got more competent at sight-reading material from this particular etude book. It was nice to stay musically engaged and focussed on improving a skill throughout the term, even if in a small way, and to have something to reflect back on at the end of term.